Minggu, 04 Juli 2010

Electronic medical record From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Also called: Electronic Health Records, Patient Health Record

You've probably seen your chart at your doctor's office. In fact, you may have charts at several doctors' offices. If you've been in the hospital, you have a chart there, too. To keep track of all this information, it's a good idea to keep your own records.

What kind of information would you put in a personal health record? You could start with

  • Your name, birth date, blood type and emergency contact
  • Date of last physical
  • Dates and results of tests and screenings
  • Major illnesses and surgeries, with dates
  • A list of your medicines, dosages and how long you've taken them
  • Any allergies
  • Any chronic diseases
  • Any history of illnesses in your family

Medical record

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A medical record, health record, or medical chart is a systematic documentation of a patient's individual medical history and care. The term 'Medical record' is used both for the physical folder for each individual patient and for the body of information which comprises the total of each patient's health history. Medical records are intensely personal documents and there are many ethical and legal issues surrounding them such as the degree of third-party access and appropriate storage and disposal. Although medical records are traditionally compiled and stored by health care providers, personal health records maintained by individual patients have become more popular in recent years.

[edit] Purpose

The information contained in the medical record allows health care providers to provide continuity of care to individual patients. The medical record also serves as a basis for planning patient care, documenting communication between the health care provider and any other health professional contributing to the patient's care, assisting in protecting the legal interest of the patient and the health care providers responsible for the patient's care, and documenting the care and services provided to the patient. In addition, the medical record may serve as a document to educate medical students/resident physicians, to provide data for internal hospital auditing and quality assurance, and to provide data for medical research. Personal health records combine many of the above features with portability, thus allowing a patient to share medical records across providers and health care systems.[2].

[edit] Contents

Basically a patient's individual medical record shall identitfy the patient and shall contain the information obtained with a certain case and shall refer to past cases with the very same patient.

[edit] Basic contents

The information recorded with a personal health record could start with

   * Name, birth date, residence and emergency contact
* Sex, Blood type
* Date of last physical examination
* Dates and results of tests and screenings
* Major illnesses and surgeries, with dates
* List of medication, dosages and duration of prescription
* Any allergies
* Any chronic diseases
* Any history of illnesses in the family


Although the specific content of the medical record may vary depending upon specialty and location, it usually contains the patient's identification information, the patient's health history (what the patient tells the health-care providers about his or her past and present health status), and the patient's medical examination findings (what the health-care providers observe when the patient is examined). Other information may include lab test results; medications prescribed; referrals ordered to health-care providers; educational materials provided; and what plans there are for further care, including patient instruction for self-care and return visits.[3] In some places, billing information is considered to be part of the medical record.[4]

[edit] Format

Traditionally, medical records have been written on paper and kept in folders. These folders are typically divided into useful sections, with new information added to each section chronologically as the patient experiences new medical issues. Active records are usually housed at the clinical site, but older records (e.g., those of the deceased) are often kept in separate facilities.

The advent of electronic medical records has not only changed the format of medical records but has increased accessibility of files. The use of an individual dossier style medical record, where records are kept on each patient by name and illness type originated at the Mayo Clinic out of a desire to simplify patient tracking and to allow for medical research.

[edit] Medical history

The medical history is a longitudinal record of what has happened to the patient since birth. It chronicles diseases, major and minor illnesses, as well as growth landmarks. It gives the clinician a feel for what has happened before to the patient. As a result, it may often give clues to current disease states. It includes several subsets detailed below.

Surgical history
The surgical history is a chronicle of surgery performed for the patient. It may have dates of operations, operative reports, and/or the detailed narrative of what the surgeon did.
Obstetric history
The obstetric history lists prior pregnancies and their outcomes. It also includes any complications of these pregnancies.
Medications and medical allergies
The medical record may contain a summary of the patient's current and previous medications as well as any medical allergies.
Family history
The family history lists the health status of immediate family members as well as their causes of death (if known). It may also list diseases common in the family or found only in one sex or the other. It may also include a pedigree chart. It is a valuable asset in predicting some outcomes for the patient.
Social history
The social history is a chronicle of human interactions. It tells of the relationships of the patient, his/her careers and trainings, schooling and religious training. It is helpful for the physician to know what sorts of community support the patient might expect during a major illness. It may explain the behavior of the patient in relation to illness or loss. It may also give clues as to the cause of an illness (e.g. occupational exposure to asbestos).
Various habits which impact health, such as tobacco use, alcohol intake, exercise, and diet are chronicled, often as part of the social history. This section may also include more intimate details such as sexual habits and sexual orientation.
Immunization history
The history of vaccination is included. Any blood tests proving immunity will also be included in this section.
Growth chart and developmental history
For children and teenagers, charts documenting growth as it compares to other children of the same age is included, so that health-care providers can follow the child's growth over time. Many diseases and social stresses can affect growth and longitudinal charting and can thus provide a clue to underlying illness. Additionally, a child's behavior (such as timing of talking, walking, etc.) as it compares to other children of the same age is documented within the medical record for much the same reasons as growth.

[edit] Medical encounters

Within the medical record, individual medical encounters are marked by discrete summations of a patient's medical history by a physician, nurse practitioner, or physician assistant and can take several forms. Hospital admission documentation (i.e., when a patient requires hospitalization) or consultation by a specialist often take an exhaustive form, detailing the entirety of prior health and health care. Routine visits by a provider familiar to the patient, however, may take a shorter form such as the problem-oriented medical record (POMR), which includes a problem list of diagnoses or a "SOAP" method of documentation for each visit. Each encounter will generally contain the aspects below:

Chief complaint
This is the problem that has brought the patient to see the doctor. Information on the nature and duration of the problem will be explored.
History of the present illness
A detailed exploration of the symptoms the patient is experiencing that have caused the patient to seek medical attention.
Physical examination
The physical examination is the recording of observations of the patient. This includes the vital signs , muscle power and examination of the different organ systems, especially ones that might directly be responsible for the symptoms the patient is experiencing.
Assessment and plan
The assessment is a written summation of what are the most likely causes of the patient's current set of symptoms. The plan documents the expected course of action to address the symptoms (diagnosis, treatment, etc.).

[edit] Orders and Prescriptions

Written orders by medical providers are included in the medical record. These detail the instructions given to other members of the health care team by the primary providers.

[edit] Progress notes

When a patient is hospitalized, daily updates are entered into the medical record documenting clinical changes, new information, etc. These often take the form of a SOAP note and are entered by all members of the health-care team (doctors, nurses, physical therapists, dietitians, clinical pharmacists, respiratory therapists, etc.). They are kept in chronological order and document the sequence of events leading to the current state of health.

[edit] Test results

The results of testing, such as blood tests (e.g., complete blood count) radiology examinations (e.g., X-rays), pathology (e.g., biopsy results), or specialized testing (e.g., pulmonary function testing) are included. Often, as in the case of X-rays, a written report of the findings is included in lieu of the actual film.

[edit] Other information

Many other items are variably kept within the medical record. Digital images of the patient, flowsheets from operations/intensive care units, informed consent forms, EKG tracings, outputs from medical devices (such as pacemakers), chemotherapy protocols, and numerous other important pieces of information form part of the record depending on the patient and his or her set of illnesses/treatments.

There are several information needed to be recorded while tracing state of patient's daily health:
1. Vital Signs: Body Temperature, Pulse Rate(Heart Rate), Blood Pressure and Respiratory Rate.
2. Intake: Medication, Fluid, Nutrition, Water and Blood, etc.
3. Output: Blood, Urine, Excrement, Vomitus and Sweat, etc.
4. Observation on Pupil size.
5. Capability of four limbs of body

[edit] Administrative issues

Medical records are legal documents and are subject to the laws of the country/state in which they are produced. As such, there is great variability in rule governing production, ownership, accessibility, and destruction.

[edit] Demographics

Demographics include patient information that is not medical in nature. It is often information to locate the patient, including identifying numbers, addresses, and contact numbers. It may contain information about race and religion as well as workplace and type of occupation. It may also contain information regarding the patient's health insurance. It is common to also find emergency contacts located in this section of the medical chart.

[edit] Production

In the United States, written records must be marked with the date and time and scribed with indelible pens without use of corrective paper. Errors in the record should be struck out with a single line and initialed by the author. Orders and notes must be signed by the author. Electronic versions require an electronic signature.

[edit] Informational self-determination

The informational self-determination is a basic human right. Hence the patient's record belongs to the patient.

[edit] Ownership for patient's record

Ownership and keeping of patient's records varies from country to country.

[edit] US law and customs

In the United States, the data contained within the medical record belongs to the patient [citation needed], whereas the physical form the data takes belongs to the entity responsible for maintaining the record (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act)[citation needed]. Therefore, patients have the right to ensure that the information contained in their record is accurate[citation needed]. Patients can petition their health care provider to remedy factually incorrect information in their records.[citation needed]

[edit] UK law and customs

In the United Kingdom, ownership of the NHS's medical records belong to the Department of Health,[2] and this is taken by some to mean copyright also belongs to the authorities.[3]

[edit] German law and customs

In Germany ownership of patient's records is not explicitly codifed. Hence traditional keeping of patient's records is with the hopitals and the practitioners. There is no comprehensive data set containing all information on one patient in one file defined yet. Discussion on proper identifying the patient is based on social security number, while discussion on data cards (Gesundheitskarte) containing just identification or more information on health status is continuing since more than a decade (2010). However public discussion on informational self determination will speed up. This may lead to change of concepts within the current century. Hence it is a matter of safety for the individual's health to stay with this status quo as long as no appropriate legislation will set new standards.

[edit] Accessibility

In the United States, the most basic rules governing access to a medical record dictate that only the patient and the health-care providers directly involved in delivering care have the right to view the record. The patient, however, may grant consent for any person or entity to evaluate the record. The full rules regarding access and security for medical records are set forth under the guidelines of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). The rules become more complicated in special situations.

When a patient does not have capacity (is not legally able) to make decisions regarding his or her own care, a legal guardia

jerman diprediksi menang oleh seekor gurita


Pertandingan perempat final yang akan mempertemukan dua Negara besar wakil dari Eropa dan Amerika Selatan yaitu Jerman dan Argentina diramalkan akan berlangsung sangat ketat. Saking ketatnya pertandingan tersebut akan berakhir dengan babak perpanjangan waktu bahkan mungkin juga sampai babak adu penalty. Pada pertandingan big match itu, tim panser Jerman akan mampu mengalahkan Argentina melalui pertarungan super seru dan menegangkan. Itulah hasil yang dapat disimpulkan dari ramalan Paul. Siapakah Paul?

Mungkin kita baru sekali mendengar nama Paul, tapi percaya atau tidak ramalan Paul hampir 80 persen tingkat keakuratannya. Meski begitu Paul bukanlah peramal ataupun orang yang mampu memprediksi hasil pertandingan layaknya Deddy Corbuzier. Perlu kamu ketahui kalau Paul hanyalah seekor Gurita penghuni Sea Life Aquarium di Oberhausen, Jerman. Tapi jangan pernah meremehkan gurita yang satu ini karena Gurita ini memang punya kemampuan menebak pertandingan dan sudah terbukti.

Cara meramalkan pertandingan versi Paul sendiri adalah dengan meletakan dua buah kotak kaca yang ditempeli bendera Argentina dan Jerman yang kemudian diisi kerang. Pada ramalan kali ini sendiri awalnya Paul ragu-ragu kotak mana yang ia pilih. Tanja Munzig mengatakan Paul sempat tak mau mendekati kedua kotak selama satu jam. Ia akhirnya memilih kotak di bagian kanan yang bergambar bendera Jerman.”Paul terus menatap kaca Jerman dan ketika kami ingin mengambil kedua kotak, dia tiba-tiba melompat ke kotak berbendera Jerman dan menelan kerangnya. Semua perilaku itu menunjukkan bahwa pertandingan Sabtu akan sangat sulit, bisa dilalui dengan perpanjangan waktu bahkan adu penalti. Tapi pada akhirnya Jerman akan menang.” Ujar Tanja Munzig dari Sea Life Aquarium

Kemampuan meramal Paul memang sudah terbukti. Sebelumnya gurita berusia 2 tahun itu juga memprediksi Jerman menang atas Inggris dan hasilnya Jerman memang menang 4-1 atas Inggris. Selain itu Paul juga meramalkan kemenangan atas Australia (4-0) dan Ghana (1-0) serta kalah dari Serbia (0-1). Sebelum Piala Dunia 2010 ini, Paul juga telah meramal sejak Piala Eropa 2008 lalu dimana prediksinya 80 persen tepat dari semua partai Jerman termasuk saat Der Panzer kalah 0-1 dari Spanyol di partai final.

Jadi apakah Jerman memang bakal jadi pemenang saat menghadapi Argentina seperti ramalan Paul? (RH)

prediksi pertandingan Belanda VS Denmar

Prediksi Pertandingan Belanda vs Denmark

BeritaSepakBola. Siapa yang sanggup menghentikan Belanda saat ini? itu pertanyaan yang lumrah yang muncul setelah melihat performa menawan Tim Oranye selama ini. Mereka selalu menang dalam babak kualifikasi dan dalam sejumlah partai pemanasan pun tak pernah menelan kekalahan. Bahkan, dalam empat laga uji coba terakhir Tim Oranye selalu menang dengan memasukkan 14 gol dan hanya kebobolan empat gol.

Berdasar fakta tersebut, Denmark sebagai lawan pertama Tim Oranye di Piala Dunia 2010 tentu potensial dijadikan santapan pembuka. Dari semua sisi, kelas Tim Dinamit jelas masih kalah dibanding Tim Oranye. Terlebih performa tim asuhan Morten Olsen menjelang Piala Dunia kali ini justru melempem. Dalam dua laga terakhir meeka kalah 0-1 dari Australia dan 0-1 dari Afrika Selatan.

“Kami semakin matang, pola 4-2-3-1 membuat pemain di setiap lini mampu bermain dengan kemampuan terbaiknya. Pola ini pun membuat diriku menemukan kembali ketajamanku. Kami siap menghadapi lawan-lawan di Grup E,” ujar bomber Roben van Persie yang diramal bakal bersinar di Piala Dunia 2010 ini.

Kecemerlangan Belanda selama ini salah satunya tak lepas dari peranan Arjen Robben. Pelatih Belanda, Bert van Marwijk dipaksa harus menyiapkan strategi lain karena Robben dipastikan tidak bisa bermain di laga perdana menghadapi Denmark. Dia mengalami cedera saat menghadapi Hungaria. Van Marwijk sendiri tidak mengganti tempat Robben dan tetap memasukkan namanya dalam skuad.

Robben memang pemain penting, hanya saja kekuatan Belanda tak terletak pada seorang Robben. Masih ada Rafael van der Vaart yang bisa beroperasi di sayap kiri. Tanpa Robben pun, trio penyokong van Persie seperti Dirk Kuyt, Wesley Sniejder, dan van der Vaart tetap berbahaya bagi tim mananpun.

hasil pembagian GupsPiala dunia 2010

Hasil Pembagian Grup Piala Dunia 2010

Bagi teman-teman yang memiliki hoby nonton sepakbola dan ditonton sepak bola seperti saya, berita tentang Hasil Pembagian grup Piala Dunia 2010 yang akan diselenggarakan di Afrika Selatan adalah suatu hal yang paling ditunggu-tunggu. Pengundian grup peserta Piala Dunia dilaksanakan kemarin tanggal 4 Desember 2009 yang bertempat di Cape Town. Dan inilah hasil dari undian tersebut:

Grup E
1. Belanda
2. Denmark
3. Jepang
4. Kamerun

Grup F
1. Italia
2. Paraguay
3. Selandia Baru
4. Slovakia

Grup G
1. Brasil
2. Korea Utara
3. Pantai Gading
4. Portugal

Grup H
1. Spanyol
2. Swiss
3. Honduras
4. Cile

Diantara nama-nama negara Kontestan Piala Dunia 2010, ada yang tulisannya saya beri warna merah. Itu adalah negara-negara yang saya prediksikan akan berjaya di piala dunia tersebut. Dan untuk jawaranya, saya masih menjagokan The Three Lions yaitu Inggris.

hasil undianpiala dunia 2010 Brazil masuk Grups Neraka

Brazil harus menerima nasib untuk masuk grup maut ketika hasil undian piala dunia 2010 diumumkan kemarin malam. Brazil sebagai pemegang gelar juara dunia 5 kali, harus bersaing dengan “samba eropa” Portugal serta jagoan Afrika Pantai Gading. Hanya Korea Utara yang diatas kertas lebih lemah dari tim lainnya, tapi ini sepakbola, bola itu bundar, segala kejutan bisa terjadi dan menambah keindahan sepakbola :-D

Berikut adalah hasil lengkap undian piala dunia 2010 di Afrika selatan nanti :

Grup A : Afrika Selatan, Meksiko, Uruguay, Perancis
Grup B : Argentina, Nigeria, Korea Selatan, Yunani
Grup C : Inggris, Amerika Serikat, Aljazair, Slovenia
Grup D : Jerman, Australia, Serbia, Ghana
Grup E : Belanda, Denmark, Jepang, Kamerun
Grup F : Italia, Paraguay, Selandia Baru, Slovakia
Grup G : Brazil, Korea Utara, Pantai Gading, Portugal
Grup H : Spanyol, Swiss, Honduras, Cili

Asyiikkk Italia berada di Grup yang ga begitu berat :-D Dengan keluarnya hasil undian piala dunia 2010 ini, maka para penggemar bola tinggal menantikan tanggal main dari gelaran akbar 4 tahunan.

Prediksi saya gimana? Hehe dah pada tau donk mestinya. Malu ah nulis-nulis prediksi, secara tiap orang pasti punya ramalan sendiri :mrgreen: Selamat menikmati piala dunia aja deh buat bola mania. Kurang lebih tengah tahun depan aksi para bintang sepakbola dunia akan bisa kita saksikan. Salam olahraga :-D